Sunday, October 30, 2011

Summary Post

My entrepreneurial idea has come along way from when I started it back in September. From the beginning of this project I really had no idea of how technology such as bits, bytes, input, and output could be used in my entrepreneurial idea. This project helped to spur my brain and required me to think deeply on how the themes we learned in class could be used to help improve the basic idea that I started out with. When it came down to it the things we learned in class such as networking and operation systems can be used in whatever technology you put your mind to.
Technology continues to improve because we find different ways to include other forms of technology to improve what we started out with. Throughout this project I wondered how I would ever go about relating what I learned in class to my entrepreneurial idea. The hardest topics to relate to my idea were bits and bytes. Bits and Bytes were difficult because I had no idea how to relate a binary code of ones and zeros to a touch screen window that responds to both temperature and light. However, somehow I managed to find a way to include bits and bytes into my idea.
Another difficult topic for me was the topic of input and output. At first I found input and output difficult to try and relate to my idea. That was simply because of the fact that I felt input and output could only be related to an actual computer. However, when I really put my mind to it I came to the realization that every form of technology has some form of technology in it. This project was a very good way of getting me to tap into my creative side and using my imagination to come up with an idea and move forward with it.
Terry Li 

Professional Blog post

I looked up a professional blog post post on touch screen interface and I came across a blog post on Omnitouch by Kesisis Panagiotis. This blog is about a new touchscreen interface that allows you to use any surface for touch screen, even your palm. This blog post is similar to the ideas that I have about creating a touch screen window that is capable of responding to heat and light. The blog post is basically taking touchscreen interfaces to levels that have never been seen before.
The blog describes omnitouch as being similar to the Microsoft Kinnect, a camera that links to the Xbox and tracks the players movements. However, the omnitouch has no affiliation with the Xbox whatsoever. The omnitouch tracks movements on a surface and reacts as if a touchscreen smart phone would. Similar to my touchscreen window idea I feel as if this onmitouch idea will be revolutionary. Omnitouch seems like an interface I would need to make my windows touchscreen, because windows normally do not have touchscreen capabilities. By having a camera pointing at my window it would give it touch screen capabilities.
Overall I find Omnitouch to be a pretty creative and intuitive idea. The ability to use any surface from a wooden table to the palm of your hand as a touch screen is astounding. I feel like touch screen technology is achieving new heights everyday.
by: Kesisis Panagiotis

Monday, October 24, 2011

week 8- networking

My entrepreneurial plan of creating a touchscreen window that is responsive to both light and temperature can have networking implemented into its early blueprint stages. Protocol is a crucial element that can definately help how my windows may turn out. Protocols are basically rules of communication and involve syntax and sematics. Protocols also set up rules on how different computers can identify and contact each other throughout the network. My windows will definately be placed on a network just incase there is a hardware error help could be accessed through the network I set up.
In order for protocol to work with my windows I have to fulfill the basic needs of proper networking. My windows are going to have individual Internet protocols (I.P. addresses) that will be used to identify each window. Whenever any window enters the network it will be quickly recognized by its own I.P. address. This way whenever there is an issue with hardware we will know whose window and the location of the window through the I.P. address. These I.P. addresses are going to be leased so that they change over a set of time.
The reason for me leasing I.P. addresses is due to the fact that dependant on how many windows I sell I could run out of numbers. By me leasing I.P. addresses to each window I can see who comes on the network and handle their task. Over time their lease will run out over time and they will be given a new I.P. or whether they decide to sign out of the network. Protocol offers a sense of identification and order to the networking world. Overall networking would definately be successful in helping to individualize each window.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 6- Operating Systems

Operating systems are very crucial to the computer world. In terms of my windows, which are temperature and light controlled a good operating system is necessary for features like those to work. An operating system will be used to manage hardware and software. Operating systems also mange memory, file systems, processes, devices, users, and the cpu. A multi-tasking multi-user operating system would be a lot more beneficial for my idea though.
I would use a windows operating systems for my windows, ironically. Windows is a lot more open in terms of security than apple, which means susceptibility to virus. Apple is a lot more private and would not be as flexible as windows. Windows 7 would be the more precise operating system and it would use window touch screen because my temperature and light sensitive windows are touch screen.
Though my windows could be susceptible to virus, that is just an obstacle I would have to over come with my company. Windows 7 would run smoothly with my touch screen windows. The windows would have a desktop in which little widgets could be placed in the backgroud. Widgets like a calender, for events, a cpu memory moniter to keep track of how much memory is being used, nd a temperature widget.

Week 5-Bits and bytes

This week in Ist Class we learned about bits and bytes. bits and bytes consists of ones and zeros and are basically used to measure files sizes. 8 bits which are 256 values of ones and zeros make up a byte. In terms of my  entrepreneurial plan bits and bytes are very important. You need bits and bytes to make up larger bits of data in the computer.
Bits and bytes could be used for the software that I use for the touch screen interface. Bits would be used in term of the memory size that would be used to remember different settings. Bits and Bytes would also make up the command part of my windows. That means they make up the data that tells the window when to control the shades. They also would be included in any sounds that would activate whenever the window is touched.
Bits and Bytes are a form of binary and they also used for math processes in computing. Though my windows will not have any computing they will still have binary uses. Like bits and bytes would be used for numbers when it comes to my computer telling temperature. Bits and Bytes and mini pieces in a gigantic puzzle which makes up my entrpreneurial.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 4 - RFID and QR Codes

       This week we learned about two clever pieces of technology, RFID (Radio frequency identification), and QR codes. The RFID can cleverly be used when it comes to tracking and selling things. QR codes could definitely used for advertising my idea and spreading knowledge about these windows.
        RFIDs are very versatile when it comes to their use. RFIDs could be used when it comes to selling my windows in stores. Instead of searching for a little bar code on the box the window would come in RFID would make it possible to just scan the item by walking out the store. RFIDs could also be used as tracking devices. If anyone were to act sneaky and try to steal and RFID out of the store the tag would automatically cause an alarm to go off because no one deactivated the tag.
       QR codes would be helpful to further help me achieve success with my idea. QR codes could be placed anywhere, on posters, billboards, and bus stops. I would link the QR code to a website that has information about my windows. Using QR codes along with social networking sites, like twitter, would help spread the news about the windows a lot quicker.

Week 3- hardware and piracy

This week in we learned about hardware and piracy. With my plans of creating a temperature sensitive window with a touch screen interface, hardware would be a very crucial aspect for it's success. Piracy is also another crucial factor for the success of my idea.With a very successful entrepreneurial idea there are many people out there who want to steal this idea and benefit from it.
Hardware is very important when it comes down too the success of my entrepreneurial idea. My windows are completely computerized, so that means I will definitely have some hardware in it's makeup. A motherboard is going to be necessary to process all of my touch screen functions with the help of the motherboard's transistors. I would also need a sound card so I can have sounds whenever someone presses on the window. A memory card would also be necessary to remember the settings that the owner of the window may want to remember.
Piracy is also an issue to worry about with my idea. My windows are computerized so that means data would be saved on the memory card. Let's say someone isnt satisfied with their window and decides to have it removed. Some of the data that was stored on the windows options menu will still be there even though the memory may have been formated. To ensure that memory is gone my company would use the DoD 5220.22M method of destroy, pulverize, shread, disintergrate, incinerate, shread, or melt. This way the memory that may be stored on the window would completely be gone.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

week 2- privacy and microsoft excel and how they could help

       This week in class we learned about privacy when it comes to social networking and how to use Microsoft excel at a beginner level. I feel like these two classes taught me a lot and they can be useful with my new idea of temperature responsive touchscreen windows. I feel that these two topics are very important and can be extremely beneficial to the success of my entrepreneurial idea.
       Privacy is very important when it comes to the protection of my ideas, as well as the protection of information that may be exposed with the use of social networking. Social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, and linkedin are powerful tools that are very useful when it comes to advertiseing. However, if I am gonna put out information regarding my idea it is very important that I put a passcode to lock up very valuable information that strangers could get their hands on. I would only make it so I can share information with my friends, I also have to be careful with who I interact with on these sites because some people could be information hijackers.
      Excel is another important tool that can be helpful when it comes to developing my ideas for a final product. Excel is a powerful tool that I could use when it comes to adding up the number of products that I sell in the future. Excel would also be able to keep an average of how much products I sell in a week. Also when it comes to paying my employees who make my product excel can be used to keep track of how much I am paying each of my employees by adding up their pay rolls individually. I could also keep track of their hours that they work as well.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 1-My new Innovative Idea

        My new idea is something that would probably revolutionize the way windows are used it your household. This new idea involves windows to be made out of touch screen glass in order for this new idea to work.  On the window's touch screen interface there will be a control menu. This control menu would be used to control a multitude of things that are used in conjunction with the window such as a curtain or an awning. This menu will have control over the awning and the corners opening and closing.
        The menu will have a function that would make the window sensitive to weather conditions and sunlight. For example, don't you hate when snow accumulates and builds up on your window. If it were snowing you would set the window's responsive temperature to 34 degrees Fahrenheit. When snow begins to hit the window it would heat up over time and melt the snow as it continuously comes down from the sky. In conjunction with heating up the window would make the awning above it expand in order to further minimize the amount of snow that hits the window. When the sun begins to reach those hot summer temperatures and you want to close the shades, however there is a scene on your favorite soap opera that is about to come on and you don't want to miss it. Don't worry when there is a will there is a way, the window automatically adjust to the hot temperature and close the curtains for you so you don't have to get up.
        Last class we learned about different forms of networking. Some of the most popular, such as twitter and facebook would positively affect the success of this idea. Facebook is a social networking site that i can use to create a page and get people to like it in order to get my ideas out. Twitter is also another social networking site that can help move my plans along. Through twitter I could tweet updates about the progress of my ideas and let the whole world see.