Monday, October 24, 2011

week 8- networking

My entrepreneurial plan of creating a touchscreen window that is responsive to both light and temperature can have networking implemented into its early blueprint stages. Protocol is a crucial element that can definately help how my windows may turn out. Protocols are basically rules of communication and involve syntax and sematics. Protocols also set up rules on how different computers can identify and contact each other throughout the network. My windows will definately be placed on a network just incase there is a hardware error help could be accessed through the network I set up.
In order for protocol to work with my windows I have to fulfill the basic needs of proper networking. My windows are going to have individual Internet protocols (I.P. addresses) that will be used to identify each window. Whenever any window enters the network it will be quickly recognized by its own I.P. address. This way whenever there is an issue with hardware we will know whose window and the location of the window through the I.P. address. These I.P. addresses are going to be leased so that they change over a set of time.
The reason for me leasing I.P. addresses is due to the fact that dependant on how many windows I sell I could run out of numbers. By me leasing I.P. addresses to each window I can see who comes on the network and handle their task. Over time their lease will run out over time and they will be given a new I.P. or whether they decide to sign out of the network. Protocol offers a sense of identification and order to the networking world. Overall networking would definately be successful in helping to individualize each window.

1 comment:

  1. Given that these windows would be within one home, they would probably be on their own separate network so that they would probably all get 192.168... IP addresses. Given that there is a shortage of IPV4 IP's a local network would be easier to set up an maintain.
